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Valeo Canopy™




Nuestra escobilla limpiaparabrisas es más sostenible gracias a un mayor uso de materiales naturales, renovables o materiales reciclados.

-61% CO2

Valeo ha lanzando un limpiaparabrisas fabricado de manera diferente, con la idea de limitar el impacto medioambiental sin comprometer el rendimiento.

Una escobilla limpiaparabrisas más sostenible y validada con un análisis del ciclo de vida certificado por Bureau Veritas, uno de los principales organismos de certificación independientes del mundo.

Bureau Veritas QR Code



Con humildad y precisión, Valeo trabaja con un enfoque global en cada aspecto:
Desde la selección de materias primas hasta el embalaje 100% de cartón.

Excelente rendimiento de barrido en el tiempo

Excelente rendimiento de barrido en el tiempo

Una combinación única de cauchos para aprovechar al máximo cada material, reemplazando la mayoría de los elementos derivados del petróleo por materiales más sostenibles.

Un Compuesto De Caucho Más Sostenible

Un Compuesto De Caucho Más Sostenible


Más del 80% de materiales son naturales, renovables o reciclados:

  • Caucho natural de los árboles de hevea
  • Caucho sintético procedente de la caña de azúcar y grasas vegetales
  • Negro carbón de neumáticos reciclados
Un limpiaparabrisas hecho de materiales reciclados

Un limpiaparabrisas hecho de materiales reciclados

  • Ranuras metálicas con hasta un 15% de acero reciclado*
  • Clips en los extremos con hasta un 50% de plástico reciclado*


Limitamos los residuos de adaptadores para reparadores y consumidores

  • 1 adaptador premontado en una sola hoja plana
  • Residuos limitados de adaptadores, a diferencia de muchas otras escobillas
  • Fácil de instalar: aclamado por los reparadores
100% Embalaje de cartón

100% Embalaje de cartón

  • >90% de cartón reciclado
  • Impreso con tintas a base de agua (sin disolventes)
  • Totalmente reciclable

Fabricado en Francia

  • Fabricado y envasado en las plantas de limpiaparabrisas de equipamiento original de Valeo en Francia
  • Limita el impacto ambiental del transporte
  • Permite una reactividad más rápida a la demanda máxima


En pocas palabras, Canopy™ es el primer limpiaparabrisas Valeo que utiliza materiales más sostenibles.


Una gama de escobillas planas que cubre el 95% del parque europeo

  • 41 referencias (con un adaptador premontado) para vehículos equipados con palas planas del equipamiento original
  • 10 referencias (con un adaptador de gancho premontado) para vehículos equipados con limpiaparabrisas estándar
  • Alta cobertura del parque europeo: cubre el 95% de los vehículos, incluidas las aplicaciones equipadas con brazos húmedos, las nuevas aplicaciones de Mercedes y los principales vehículos eléctricos y electrificados europeos


Valeo propone una gran oferta de puntos de venta de material.


*En promedio, el caucho representa aproximadamente el 30% del peso total de la escobilla del limpiaparabrisas


Fácil instalación



To make Canopy wiper blade more sustainable, Valeo teams worked on three approaches:

  • Reduction of the use of oil-based materials through:
    • Use of renewable materials not usually used, such as natural rubber, vegetable oils, sugar cane
    • Increased use of recycled materials* (up to 15% in Complete Canopy wiper blade compared to 0% in usual wiper blades), such as carbon black from recycled tires, recycled metal, recycled plastics.
    • Increased use of “Natural” non-fossil materials such as calcium oxide and Silica (5% of Canopy rubber compound)


  • Reduction of the “carbon footprint”, with 61% savings on CO2 emissions, thanks to:
    wiper blade and packaging assembly (France)
    Material selected from sustainable sources (Natural rubber from PEFC certified rubber plantations)


  • Use of a fully recyclable packaging made from more than 90% recycled cardboard material

The project development has been set around the following milestones:

  • Analysis of materials used in current Valeo Premium wiper blades and packaging + brainstorming on how to reduce “carbon footprint”
  • Set up of 4 dedicated project teams (Advanced Development projects, R&D, Quality, Purchasing, Marketing)
  • Ideas and actions to reduce the use of (i) oil-based materials and (ii) carbon footprint in rubber, metal, plastic and packaging
  • Development and validation of the new rubber compound using less virgin oil-based materials
  • Investigation with new suppliers of raw material and validation of new plastic including up to 50% recycled materials
  • Investigation and validation of recycled cardboard materials used for packaging

Bureau Veritas, one world's leading certification bodies, validated statement: "The new Valeo CANOPY FlatBlade range with the new Valeo specific rubber packaged in cardboard box enables a CO2e emission reduction of 525 g per wiper blade (=-61%)* vs. a Valeo Flat Blade range produced in Asia with synthetic rubber and packaged in plastic sleeves."

* weighted average based on LCAs (Scope 1,2 and 3 upstream) done on 3 wiper blade lengths =350mm, 600mm and 750mm.

  • Valeo Canopy wipers use a more sustainable rubber compound made of over 80% natural, renewable or recycled materials. Out of 80%, the rubber includes 56% of renewable materials, 19% of recycled materials and 5% of natural/mineral materials.
  • Valeo Canopy wiper blades show an increased use of natural renewable or recycled materials offering both a durable and excellent wiping quality. A standard Valeo Multi-connection wiper blade made in Asia uses a rubber compound made with less than 3% sustainable material when the rubber compound used for Canopy wiper blade is made with over 80% sustainable materials (56% renewable materials, 19% recycled materials and 5% natural materials). To assess and validate the wiping efficiency, Valeo has defined a round of tests for all wiper ranges. These standard tests (through hundred of cycles) have been performed on Canopy range to measure the wiping performance in real conditions: Initial Wipe Quality, Durability, Slam Down Test, Ozone Resistance, Chemical Resistance, Permanent Set, Noisiness. These tests confirm that Valeo Canopy has the same wiping performance as other Valeo premium ranges.

Valeo Canopy wipers are manufactured and packed in Valeo's wiper blade plants in France to limit transportation and CO2 emissions. The global transportation for a standard Valeo Multi-connection wiper blade made in Asia (from raw material supply to the delivery at Valeo central warehouse in France) represents 30.2g of CO2 emisssions while the global transportation for a Canopy wiper blade manufactured and packed in France (from raw material supply to the delivery to the same central warehouse) represents 15.2g of CO2 emissions.

  • Valeo Canopy wiper blades offers a premium wiping performance. To assess and validate the wiping efficiency, Valeo has defined a round of tests for all wiper ranges. These standard tests (through hundred of cycles) have been performed on Canopy range to measure the wiping performance in real conditions: Initial Wipe Quality, Durability, Slam Down Test, Ozone Resistance, Chemical Resistance, Permanent Set, Noisiness. Valeo concluded that Valeo Canopy has the same wiping performance as other Valeo premium ranges.
  • The life cycle analysis carried out by Valeo and verified by Bureau Veritas shows -61% CO2 emissions compared with a traditional Valeo wiper made in Asia. The comparison is done based on the Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) performed by VALEO on the 2 products and provided by the client. The LCAs have been made with the same hypothesis and database.

The verification is done in 5 steps:

  1. Review of the LCAs according to ISO 14040 « Life cycle assessment - Principles and framework » and ISO 14044 « Life cycle assessment - Requirements and guidelines »
  2. Verification according to ISO 14067 "Greenhouse gases — Carbon footprint of products — Requirements and guidelines for quantification” of the Carbon Footprint (CFP) value provided by the LCA
  3. Comparison of the CFP value also considering the uncertainty of the calculation (compliant with Annex B of ISO 14067)
  4. Verification of the reduction of material by mass measurement
  5. Verification of the Significant Environmental Aspect according to ISO 14040

    The new Valeo CANOPY FlatBlade range with the new Valeo specific rubber packaged in cardboard box enables a CO2e emission reduction of 525 g per wiper blade (=-61%)* vs. a Valeo Flat Blade range produced in Asia with synthetic rubber and packaged in plastic sleeves.

* weighted average based on Life Cycle Analysis (Scope 1,2 and 3 upstream) done on 3 wiper blade lengths =350mm, 600mm and 750mm.

What is Life Cycle Assessment?

Resulting from the requirement of sustainable development, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is an evaluation method recognized by ISO standards since 1997 and allows to quantify the environmental impacts of a product, a service or process.

The use of cardboard packaging for Valeo Canopy wiper blades is part of Valeo Service "I Care 4 the Planet" strategy to reduce the use of single-use plastic in packaging. Valeo Canopy packaging is made with more than 90% recycled cardboard materials, printed with water-based inks (solvent-free) and fully recyclable.


Canopy Catalogue Cover Left Hand Drive Canopy Catalogue Right Hand Drive